While many modern Christians believe the name Lucifer is a name for Satan, “the devil,“ the chief architect of evil, the reality is that the name Lucifer (“Light Bearer“) is not in the Hebrew Bible. It was introduced into translations of the Bible by a bishop named Jerome, who translated what is known as the Latin Vulgate. Lucifer is from Latin: lux, lucis, luce, luci, and lucu: “light”; and fer, fero: “to bear, carry, support, lift, hold, take up”; these synthesize literally as “Bearer of Light.”
Lucifer and Ancient Greek Flood Myths
Lucifer was introduced into translations of the Bible fr
...om the Hebrew phrase Hillel ben Schahar (Shining One, son of Dawn) and Lucifer, the “carrier of the light,“ is the equivalent to the Greek myth of Prometheus, the divinity who brings the life-giving fire to humanity, yet is punished for this act. A phoenix is a mythological bird that cyclically regenerates or is born again. AssociatedShow more