(12 Feb 2000) Russian/Nat Russian troops are heading towards the mountains in an effort to destroy the hidden bases of retreating Chechen rebels. Russian guns have been pounding away at fighters’ positions in the two hills which form the entrance to the Argun Gorge, also known as ’Wolf’s Gate’. Late on Friday, Russian troops were reinforcing their positions around the entrance to the Argun Gorge. Columns of heavy missile launchers have been rumbling toward artillery positions already packed with powerful howitzers. And waves of Russian warplanes and helicopter gunships have been flying over the mountains where an estimated 7-thousand rebels are believed to have sought shelter in the foggy and forbidding slopes. In particular Russian forces have been concentrating on two hills which form the entrance to the Argun Gorge, also known as ’Wolf’s Gate’. The Russian military claim to have sealed off the Argun and Veden
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