The Epitaph of Seikilos - Ancient Greek Song

Vocals & arrangement by Farya Faraji, music and lyrics by Seikilos. The video was filmed mostly during my October 2021 trip across Greece and Turkey’s Aegean coasts. I later added myself in the images in post-production. Some of the shots were filmed at Ephesus, near the place where this song was first found. This is the oldest, complete preserved musical composition in history, dated to either the 1st or 2nd centuries A.D. The composition and the lyrics were found on a tombstone in Asia Minor, near modern day Ephesus, and the generally accepted consensus is that its contents are dedicated to Seikilos’ wife, although differing interpretations exist, claiming the text could be interpreted as Euterpe being Seikilos’s mother, the Muse music, or that the composition isn’t even addressed to anyone in particular. The tombstone is inscribed with this message: “I am a tombstone, an image. Seikilos placed me here as a long-lasting sign of deathless remembrance.“ My arrangeme
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