It’s been SO long since the last one, but I’m coming back joining forces with a very VERY talented friend!
His name is George Karvouniaris and make sure you keep an eye (and ear) on him, I’m certain you’ll be hearing about him a lot in the near future!
We decided to give a shot to a beloved track of ours by Opeth named Heir Apparent!
It’s a long one (kudos to the few that will watch the whole ~9 minutes), many parts, clean parts (which are always a challenge for metalheads like us :D ), many out-of-focus camera takes (I’m still a n00b damnit) but we had SUCH a good time!
The audio is the ori
...ginal track split by the demucs AI and we recorded our guitars after virtually muting the original ones.
Our guitar sound is the AMAZING NeuralAmpModeler plugin, it’s free and if you’re a guitarist just try it out from and thank me later!
#opeth #heir_apparent #guitar #guitarcover #pallas #karvouniarisShow more