71 Weds 38 - As Us Vice President Marries (1949)

Full title reads: “71 Weds 38 - As US Vice President Marries“. St. Louis, Missouri, United States of America (USA). LS People hurrying along street to church where wedding will take place. MS American Vice President Alben Barkley raising hat and waving it to crowd. MS Back view of him hurrying through crowds into church. MS Mrs Carlton Hadley, the bride, alighting from car. and entering church. MS Crowd. MS Mr and Mrs Barkley leaving church after wedding. CU They pose for cameras. LS Exterior shot of their home. MS Pan along family group surrounding bride and groom. MS They cut wedding cut. CU Mr and Mrs Barkley. Barkley speaking ’We hope to be back in Washington in time for the 2nd. session of the 81st. Congress on the 3rd day of January, and in the meantime. - no comment. (Laughter.). CU The Barkleys. Reporter asks them to kiss Barkley replies. ’No, no kisses, We reserve that till later’. Mrs. Barkley Chips in. ’That’s awful fresh’. FILM ID: A
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