In a race for domination, the Continental Alliance’s ambition leads to the uninhibited exploitation of planet Solstice-5. As they construct unstoppable autonomous factories, the Alliance’s insatiable quest for power leaves behind a forsaken workforce in a world spiraling out of control. —————————————————————————————————————————— follow Paul Chadeisson Twitter : Insta : Website: —————————————————————————————————————————— directed by: Paul Chadeisson original idea by: Paul Chadeisson written by : Lambert Grand & Paul Chadeisson Art by: Paul Chadeisson VFX by: Paul Chadeisson and Pierre Lazarevic director of photography: Lambert Grand CAST: Arben Bajraktaraj, Douglas Rand, Margeaux Lampley, Lemmy Constentine compositing : Alban kasikci makeup artist: Harold Levy audio recording: Tristan Renet editing by: Paul Chadeisson ————————
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