Парастас / Parastas is a visual concept created
by ХИАЦЫНТОС for the soundtrack of the album
„Hospodi”. This idea appeared already during the
release and promotion of the „Litourgiya” album.
Back then the circumstances were not conducive
to implement this project. But now the right time
has come to share our vision with you. The plot of
this movie perfectly reflects the atmosphere and
emotions accompanying the album „Hospodi”.
Doubt, loss, escape, death and the funeral service.
The Liturgy of Death is the end of our journey, a vigil
and a solemn farewell.
All the locations that you can see on film weren’t
chosen by accident. The images depicted on the
celluloid are a kind of visual echoes of the emotions
flowing from the album. Among many other things
in the movie you can see the house and the farm
where Варфоломей grew up, the Holy Mountain
„Grabarka”, the New Jerusalem - that is, the settlement
of the prophet Ilja, a historic orthodox church
in Koterka and numerous open air filmsets closely
related to the region of Podlasie.
Parastas is a mystery of passage and farewell to the
world ...
Batushka film (five chapters) from album “Hospodi“
Batushka film (five chapters) produced by ХИАЦЫНТОС & BATUSHKA
Script and direction ХИАЦЫНТОС
a Film Director ХИАЦЫНТОС | Hiatsyntos
Band contact: batushka@
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