Star Trek II Wrath of Khan - Reliant Vs Enterprise; First Clash 1080p
From what many fans consider the BEST Star Trek movie; the initial face off in the film between Khan and Kirk. With great performances all around especially by the late Ricardo Montalbán, James Doohan & Leonard Nimoy.
After Khan hijacks the Reliant, he used Chekov to notify space lab Regula I of Reliant’s pending arrival and their intention to retrieve all Genesis information, “as ordered by Admiral Kirk.“ Khan’s lure proved successful. The Enterprise, engaged in a training cruise at the time, altered course to investigate the odd reports from Regula I. Khan intercepted the Enterprise, which was en route to Regula I. Concealing her intent, Reliant approached, feigning communications trouble, and mounting a devastating surprise attack using the Reliant’s phasers to cripple the Enterprise. Khan hailed to gloat over his triumph and discuss terms of surrender. His only reward proved to be Kirk’s initial open-mouthed stare of surprise. The parley allo
4 weeks ago 00:05:35 4
Interdimensional cable’s Star Trek - Deep Space X
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1 ЧАС ♫ Мощная Безумно Красивая и Потрясающая Музыка Для Души! Лучшие Треки
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НЕТ КОНЦЕРТОВ? Специальное обращение к артистам и начинающим исполнителям!!!