Artwork by Toasted Gloves:
Mixing by RainSnowHail:
I finally got a new song out.
Fun fact, I wrote most of this song around the February of 2012 for some EQD villain song event and finished it a few months ago.
I’ve been writing a lot of little ideas and stuff recently and S4 is out soon so don’t expect to have to wait as long for the next song. In fact, I’ve already finished the next two songs.
Listen on Soundcloud: (Download maxed)
Listen on Tindeck:
Dropbox download: - Welcome ?dl=0
Guitar tab:
Check out a cover of this song:
LYRICS (are something along the lines of):
Colts and fillies gather round
Trixie’s gonna tell you tales that are gonna astound
sit down and listen to me
and hear the tales of the great and powerful trixie
It may come as a surprise
to see amazing feats before your very eyes
You’ll realise things you didn’t know
so sit back my little pony and enjoy the show
Welcome ponyvillians
you’ll be the first civilians
to witness the mystical and magical display
of the great and powerful trixie
Trixie’s travelled far and wide
although before she came to this town where you ponies reside
you might find this hard to believe
but Trixie fought an ursa major in the hoofington streets
So trixie stands infront of you
She can perform amazing tricks that every pony can view
And what you can do trixie can do as well
Cause any talent you may have Trixie can cast as a spell.
Welcome ponyvillians
you’ll be the first of millions
to witness the mystical and magical display
of the great and powerful trixie
Okay, Trixie may have lied
But Trixie could have fought the ursa on her own if she’d tried
Twilight has saved the town
but Trixie’s still the most powerful pony around
The usrsa minor may be gone
but Trixie will be back again before too long
and one day you all will see
the awesome powers of the great and powerful trixie
Well done ponyvillians
You’ve beaten me but only once
so listen to my warning and remember the name
of the great and powerful trixie
The Great and Powerful Tri-i-ixie
The Great and Powerful Tri-i-i-i-i-ixie
The Great and Po-o-o-o-o-owerful Trixie
The Great and Po-o-o-o-owerful Tri-i-ixie