President Truman And Governor Dewey (1948)

United States of America (USA). PRESIDENT TRUMAN IN ALBANY Albany. American President Harry Truman’s train pulling in at Albany during the presidential campaign 1948. MS. Crowds waiting in the rain. MS. Crowds with placards etc. SCU. From rear of train. MS. Tracking shot of crowd, taken from train. MS. Truman waving from train. MS. Tracking shot, train on the move. MS. Elevated, crowd listening to Truman. SCU. Truman speaking from train. MS. Tracking shot from train. SCU. Crowd listening. CU. Truman smiling. MS. Pan, crowd. SCU. Truman speaking. MARSHALL MEETS TRUMAN Washington D.C. MS. US Secretary of State General George Marshall stepping down from plane. SCU. Photographers. SCU. General Marshall steps down to shake hands with President Truman who is waiting on base of stairs. DEWEY ON NEW HOUSES IN NEW YORK New York. LS. Elevated, pan over site set for Air Smith houses in New York. CU. Notice Board. Thomas Dewey, Governor of New York and the presidential candidate seated with sever
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