X Ray Production Animation

How are X-rays produced? This animation shows the function of the components of a modern X-ray tube. • Cathode Filament • Anode / Target • High Voltage Supply • Vacuum Chamber • Lead Shielding • Aluminium Filter There is a free quiz to take on the content covered in this animation. A link to it is shown toward the end of the video (6:35 to be precise). A great way to check you’ve grasped the main points. Need to go deeper? Buy the textbook - now available on iBooks and Google Play at a great introductory price - find out more: X-ray production is a key concept in radiography, radiology, medical physics and is very helpful in medicine in general. Relevant concepts: x-rays, x-ray photons, braking radiation, thermionic emission, x-ray spectra, x-ray production, megavoltage rays, medical physics, ionising radiation, and radiation shielding.
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