FOSSIL FISH!! | 7 days Fossil Hunting the Green River Formation’s 18” layer in Wyoming

We spent 7 days fossil hunting at the 18 inch layer of the green river formation in Wyoming and found multiple huge fossil fish. These fossils were formed 52 million years ago when Wyoming was a lush sub-tropical jungle. Fossil hunters like us discover the fossil evidence for this extinct habitat encased in desert rock that we quarry. Fish fossils take an immense amount of time and effort to recover and skill to prepare. Joe sunk over a hundred hours into the preparation of the fossil fish shown at the end. We cannot wait to be fossil hunting in Wyoming again! If you want to go fossil fish hunting yourself at this exact fossil quarry, you can reserve a VIP tour below: Through exploring, fossil hunting, and arrowhead collecting, we can make a physical connection to the history around us. We are passionate about that connection and want to share it with others. If you value this content, consider supporting us on Patreon so we can help others “dig scien
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