NEPTUNE : Video footage with Skywatcher Dobsonian - Skywatcher 300p Flextube telescope

Neptune is past opposition on 11th September 2020, and this video shows the planet through a skywatcher 300p flextube telescope using GH5 camera, 4K 50fp. The seeing through the telescope was a little Shaky (III). You cannot see any surface detail on neptune and I was unable to resolve Triton, but I am excited to get on more try before new year! I hope that these videos can give you an idea of how the planets look at the eyepiece of a 200 PDS, 200p, 300p flextube or any 200mm 8 inch or 300mm 12 inch newtonian reflector telescope. I find when trying to purchase a telescope, it is hard to picture what you can see through the eyepiece . Panasonic GH5 Skywatcher 300P Flextube 300mm (12 Inch) telescope INSTAGRAM -
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