castiel | “I watch the bees...“

→ “it is the life, it is the death...“ TUMBLR | TWITTER | #!/deductism TEXT TEAM FREE WILL | COMMENTS」 I actually hate how this turned out - probably one of my worse-r vids. But I’ve vidded . That makes me happy. My feelings on ? I can’t even begin. I don’t know what it was, but I loved Dean in this episode. The way Jensen acted his part was... flawless. Because he’s this big mess of guilt and confusion, he looks at Cas like he’s trying to see something - like he’s trying to find the old Cas. But he can’t see him, and it’s killing him inside, so he snaps and yells and stomps his feet. He wants his angel back at his side, fighting the world with him. Ugh, too perfect. And Sam, too. Sam constantly asking Cas how he is, looking at him like he’s the best thing on the planet. I just have so many feels. ;___; I hope you li
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