THE FRESCO 05. The Spirit of the Wind - trailer 07

Monique*, congratulations for having evoked and for bringing back to life this most fascinating of characters, Raimond Roger Trencavel, viscount of Carcassonne and Beziers, the hero of Occitan Independence, who, alone, stood against the rush of the Northern Knight in 1209, during the Crusade against the Cathars or Albigenses. When he went to Montpellier and stood before the assembly of crusaders - presided over by the papal legate - and was invited to banish the heretics from his cities and deliver them to the enemy, Raimond Roger declared: “I offer a town, a roof, a shelter, bread and my sword to all the persecuted people who will soon be wandering in Provence without a town, a roof, a place of refuge, or bread.“ LILY DEVEZE HISTORIC MONUMENTS GUIDE LECTURER (CITY OF CARCASSONNE° * Le prénom Elisabeth, donné au baptême a été légalement rajouté et placé en premier prénom par l’officier d’Etat Civil de la Mairie
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