Daniel Stricker - MAKE DIE SCHWEIZ WINNETOU AGAIN! (Offizielles Video)

Countdown! 💘 Freiheitspartei Freiheitspartei: Wenn es dich interessiert - und warum sollte es das nicht? - bitte eintragen unter . Es wird lustig, versprochen! ---------- Text: Daniel Stricker Musik: Yann Roulier Gesang: Rachel Fischer Rap: Daniel Stricker Produziert: Yann Roulier & Mike Candys Lyrics: Make die Schweiz Winnetou Again! Howgh! Let’s make Die Schweiz Winnetou Again Listen what goes me on the eggs Listen exactly, come on and sing with me, let’s go! Howgh! STROPHE 1: My English is under all pig I am a Shy Indian just like Gandhi But I jump over my shadow Because now it goes round the sausage. The paleface took our land It’s not good cherry-eating With those greenhorns who fear a lil sunshine They are on the woodway keep your head high I see black for the whiteface I think my pig pipes They are on the woodway keep your head high
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