Making a Whiskey Box & Coasters | In the Labs with Tim Sway | Vectric FREE CNC Projects
This month Tim is back with a project that is dear to his heart. A project that you might consider making instead of jumping on the Black Friday bandwagon. Tim has always believed in the power of supporting local business and not heading out to the big box stores to get the latest deal... as he says “Boycott Black Friday“. Maybe we could consider creating something that will surely be more appreciated, something made by hand... by you!
In this video, with just a few scraps of material from the woodpile, Tim has created a lovely whisky box with a bit of a twist. He also considers the idea of purchasing whisky from a local company compounding the effects of this project on his community. We think you would agree this would be a lovely gift to give a hostess at a get-together or as a Christmas gift.
Watch and download tutorial files:
Not yet a Vectric customer? Don’t worry - If you have a CNC machine but haven’t yet purchased our software you will still be able to cut this project using our free trial software (this free trial project is compatible with Aspire, VCarve Pro, and VCarve Desktop).
Click here to download the free trial software:
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