Herknungr - The Wolf Chieftain (A Saxon Song With Proto- Germanic Vocals)
The Wolf Cheiftain is about Widuking or known as Wittekind. It’s about his life when he and his people lost the battle to Charlemagne and struggling with the aftermath.
The song is in proto - germanic which is very early saxon, I know old high saxon would of been more suitable possibly but I really like this language.
The string instruments a cologne lyre.
iz hwat, þurislīkaz mann?
tahrą in augini
furi hiz daudaz kunją
wīz þurbum standaną
midi gudamiz
midi fadēr
sa dagaz gamalas wīsadōmas
habjaną fallaną
wīz þurbum standaną
midi gudamiz
midi fadēr
þēah maske, isti þar nuh hupǭ
tō taljaną þat wīsadōmaz
wītagô kwemaną wītaną miz
wītagô kwemaną skawwōną miz
wītagô kwemaną ’blōþisōną&