♥*.~.*The Beauty of Hijab*.~.*♥

A short video showing the beauty of the Hijab which refutes the common stereotype that all Muslim women are oppressed when in fact it is the very opposite. Also a big thank you to a certain beaver for supplying me with all the amazing pix, thanks beaver! lol NOTE: NO hateful comments will be allowed so don’t bother posting them in the first place. Majority of the pictures used are of models and not necessarily how Muslim women wear the Hijab like. This video is made for girls to show that you’re just as beautiful if you wear the headscarf :D Some of these styles may not be deemed as fufilling the proper requirements of Hijab but it’s something that can be worn in all female gatherings if not outside or in the privacy of your own home if a woman doesn’t want to take her scarf off :) Don’t forget to rate and comment and enjoy!
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