Urgently! Russian Su-35 for the first time staged a raid on American air defenses in Ukraine

Срочно! Российские Су-35 впервые устроили налёт на американские ПВО в Украинa Russian su-35 fighters launched a raid on US air defense systems. American air defense systems began to have very serious problems after Russian fighters raided them a few hours ago. It is reported that Russian combat aircraft managed to penetrate the identification zone of American air defense systems unnoticed, as reported by representatives of the Russian defense ministry. su-35 VKS fighters Russia escorted Tu-160 missile carriers During the planned a visit to the borders of the United States of America presumably to respond to provocative actions by the United States nevertheless, if the Tu 160 was detected by the radar of American air defense systems in advance, then the presence of Su-35 fighters here became known only after the American fighters took off into the air, which became a very unpleasant surprise for the latter tu-160 Срочно! Российские Су-35 впервые устроили налёт на американские ПВО в
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