Exploring the Mystique of Blackwater Tanks: Green Neons & Gold Tetras
Exploring the Mystique of Blackwater Tanks: Green Neons & Gold Tetras
Great Nano Aquarium. I love watching these fish interact with each other. They are very awesome and it always amazes me at God’s creation. It is always good to have a slice of nature around.
#aquascape #aquarium #plantedaquarium #aquascaping #nanoaquarium
Aqueon Frameless Cube Aquarium: 12x12x12in
PULACO Ultra Quiet Aquarium Hang on Filter:
Aqueon Clip-On LED:
Pothos Plant Holder:
Plants: Pothos, Amazon Frogbit, Salvinia natans
Fish: Green Neon Tetra, Gold Tetra
Invertebrates: Physella acuta, and Ramshorn Snails, lots of them
Music in Video:
Enjoy Some Nature!
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6 days ago 00:11:17 1
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