SIMPLE READING GAMES AND ACTIVITIES | Homeschool preschool | Homeschool kindergarten

Is your child learning how to read? In this episode I’m sharing 5 fun, easy and SUPER SIMPLE reading games and activities that will get your early reader up and out of their chair. With these activities, your will unknowingly strengthen your little one’s reading skills and practice their phonics, and have fun while they’re doing it! The best part activities are affordable and super easy to put together! These reading activities are some of our personal favorites in our house and my preschooler is always excited to do them, so I want to pass these ideas on to you. Learning doesn’t have to be a chore, we can make it fun for everyone. You got this! Check out my simple math activities here: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please subscribe to our channel here and click the bell so you will know when we post new videos! ​ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Videos you might like: How I plan homeschool preschool: Fun and simple alphabet activities: ​ Fun and simple math activities pt. 2: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About me: Hi everyone! I’m Ashley, married to my high school sweetheart and a stay at home mama to a toddler and a preschooler. I am 1 year into my homeschooling journey in our teeny tiny 450 square foot home, and am passionate about instilling a love a learning into my little ones and sharing what I know with mamas like you! Please consider subscribing if you want to join me on my new journey into homeschooling, and if you want tips on encouraging a love of learning in your little one. Thank you for joining me!
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