Niagara Falls at Spring and Emergency operation using a heavy military helicopter
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An Army National Guard Chinook helicopter and 5 members of the rescue team easily handled a 3,500-pound pontoon that broke away from an ice barrier on Lake Erie and the Niagara River during a storm and got stuck at the foot of Niagara Falls.
It took just five minutes to remove a 3,500-pound piece of steel that had been stuck over the American side of Niagara Falls for the past 39 months.
A powerful army helicopter carrying propellers on the already choppy rapids of the Niagara River with near-hurricane winds lifted the pontoon off the rapids Wednesday afternoon.
A pontoon that broke free from an ice boom on Lake Erie during a February 2019 hurricane caught on Bird Island, about 100 yards from the edge of Niagara Falls.
Authorities have spent the past four months planning how to remove it.
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