How drones change America’s future war in the Pacific

Why the Marines are copying Narcos cocaine logistics Play Conflict of Nations for FREE on PC, iOS or Android: 💥 Receive a Unique Starter Pack, available only for the next 30 days! The US is fielding autonomous drones as it prepares for a war in the Indo-Pacific region. A war in the Pacific would see the US against China, a technologically advanced opponent, and the increased risk makes the use of drones a priority. In particular, autonomous air and sea drones can now be used in logistical roles, enabling the US military the use of new strategies over a battlefield several times larger than the Middle East or Afghanistan. For these reasons analysing how drones are changing America’s wars can become a way to understand the character of a Pacific War. In this video we will analyse how autonomous drones are now used by the US military in logistical purposes and we will try to answer two main questions. How these drones change US’ wars? How can
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