◘ \\ BODY LANGUAGE \\ ◘ {Animash}

Oh boy, this one was fun XD This was on my to-do list for about a year and a half now! Such a catchy song, I’ve always enjoyed it and wondered what I could do with it. ---Please don’t kill me for trying a new style! This is mostly a “transitions testing“ video, I’ve never really worked with a great number of different transitions in a single project so I wanted to try something different. Hopefully my original style still shows through somewhat! As soon as I got the cyan color scheme, everything else came so easily! It was one of those projects where everything I tried seemed to work the first time - hooray! lol ^_^ The occasional borders that I put in worked surprisingly well. At first I thought “I don’t know why I’m trying this, solid borders don’t look very good...“ But once I put the overlay circle sparkles over them, it got quite a shiny and almost luminous look that I just couldn’t resist! Like usual, I tried
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