Battle of Dyrrachium, 48 BC ⚔️ Caesar’s Civil War

🚩 Go to and use code HISTORYMARCHE to save 25% off today. Thanks to Curiosity Stream for sponsoring today’s video. 👇 Push down for more cool stuff 👇 EPISODE LIST - CAESAR’S CIVIL WAR: ➤ PART 1: ➤ PART 2: ➤ PART 3: ➤ PART 4: ➤ PART 5: ➤ Consider supporting our work on Patreon: ➤ Check out Hoc Est Bellum for more animated battles: ➤ Narration: Alexander Doddy ➤ Graphics and animations: Hoc Est Bellum ➤ Editing, music, sound effects: HistoryMarche ➤ Sources Appian - Historia Romana Plutarch - Life of Caesar Caesar - De bello civili Pharsalus, 48BC - Si Sheppard #caesar #rom...anempire #pompey
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