With the advent of the locking folding knife, the world of pocket knives changed forever. After the age of slipjoints and friction folders (which we still love, don’t get us wrong), EDC enthusiasts could now enjoy the stability and utility once only found in a fixed blade. And with this revelation, the floodgates opened and now there’s a whole host of lock designs for every flavor.
Featured Knives:
Opinel N010:
Boker Barlow:
Buck 110 Folding Hunter:
Gerber Gator:
Case RussLock:
Ferrum Forge Stinger:
Zero Tolerance 0452:
CRKT BT Fighter:
Benchmade 945 Osborne:
Spyderco Manix 2 XL:
...Spyderco Kapara:
Steel Will Tasso:
Spyderco Parata:Show more