(970) ❣DIY Roly-Poly Snowman❣ - YouTube

DIY Roly Poly Snowman Hi, in this tutorial I show you how I made a roly-poly snowman for my Christmas decorations. I used a ball, a plastic bottle, tin foil, paint, hot glue, some string LED lights and paper clay (I used “Das modelling material“ ). This is a great way to teach children about recycling plastic bottles and also stimulate their creativity and imagination. I start by taping the ball to a scotch tape roll and covering it with paper clay. While it is still wet I cut out some stars around the ball. Using tin foil I make the basic shape for the snowman’s face, and scarf. I cover the tin foil with paper clay. While wet I model the face features like nose, cheeks and mouth. I also made two buttons for my little snowman. Let everything dry. I used some stones to add weight at the bottom so it stands up right and balances when pushed. Now you can paint it in the desired colors. I used watercolors and acrylic paint because I like working in layers and be able to
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