Uriah Heep -- Sheffield 1974 - Wonderworld

This was Sheffield City Hall. 1974. You guessed it - the Wonderworld Tour. I found some old 35mm slides collecting dust in a box in my attic. Spent some time carefully restoring/enhancing them, and I uploaded them here for your entertainment, and in the process learning how to use Sony Vegas! Looking at these I can’t believe how close you can get with a 200mm lens compared to the standard full stage 55mm view ! These were from my glory days (LOL) Some time later I started using negative material, which seemed to give more crisp images, but lost a lot of the atmosphere. Good old Ektachrome! Got some fairly decent close ups of the band from right among the mad scrum at the front. The music is from URIAH HEEP 1974-05-17 Open Air Festival Grona Lund Stockholm, Sweden.
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