Weather events around the world June 21, 2022: Fiery inferno in Europe and more

Overview of weather and natural events around the World. What is happening in this world: natural disasters on the planet of Earth. The latest news about weather events and disasters. The hot weather that has set in most of the northern hemisphere contributes to the intensification of all natural events. Our next selection of the best waterspouts of the week from around the world. All videos were filmed from June 16 to June 21, 2022. The selection includes waterspouts from Florida, USA, a triple waterspout from Alabama, USA and a waterspout on the Kama River, Russia. The second week continues to rage forest fires in Spain. The fire is already raging in 11 provinces of the country. According to local authorities, the wildfires caused the most damage to the northwestern province of Zamora. There, the fire destroyed 26,000 hectares of forest (64,247 acres). And in Catalonia, more than 5,000 residents were evacuated due to the approach of fire to the settlements. For more than a week in Spa
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