Letter Handwriting Practice for Kids | Sky, clouds, grass and dirt letters
This sing-along video is a fun way for children or students to learn how to write specific letters of the alphabet. We call them the “sky, clouds, grass, and dirt letters“ - like the letter a, c, e, s, w, and more.
Are these types of videos fun or helpful for your student? Check out our website to learn more about how your little learner can become a handwriting hero today.
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Learn more about the Handwriting Heroes® program:
Handwriting Heroes is a multi-sensory program that teaches kids how to write in a fun way.
Our program uses research-based and systematic methods to teach handwriting and has revived classrooms across the nation. Our playful heroes teach students how to form their letters through captivating stories, hilarious animations, and catchy songs. We blend together best practices so that lessons stay with the student long after class is over. The format is simple, and the pace is fast! Activities and lessons are structured for Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2.
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