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This WWII era training film was created to educate pilots, air crews and airplane spotters about the P-51 Mustang. The film uses the WWII standard WEFT system, for Wing, Engine, Fuselage, Tail, to explain to the trainee what to look for, in identifying the aircraft. Official Training Film No. 1-910 War Department Restricted (0:12). Produced by the Signal Corps in collaboration with the Commanding General Army Air Forces (0:27). Through the cooperation of the Research Council Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts, and Sciences (0:31).
The film will describe a new formula to help the rapid identification of aircraft based on salient points of an aircraft’s silhouette (0:51). The film shows a P 51 Mustang with a “birdcage“ type cockpit taking off (0:55). The formula is the WEFTS system, W for wings, E for engine, F for fuselage, and T for tail (1:02-1:31). The film shows the P-51 fighter in flight (1:58). The narrator begins to describe the wings of the P 51 (2:03). The jet’s landing gear is shown being extended (3:32). The main wheels fold up into the wing towards the center (3:49). The narrator then begins to describe the engine (4:13). The engine is a single, in-line liquid cooled engine (4:17). The jet’s exhaust stacks are then shown (4:39). There is an air scoop at the top of the jet (4:46). The section on the fuselage begins (5:01). The nose of the fuselage also contains the engine (5:08). The cockpit is directly above the wing (5:15). Another, large air scoop is located at the bottom of the fuselage (5:47). The radio mast is located above and behind the cockpit (6:07). The section on the tail begins (6:25). The vertical surface (fin) has a tapered leading edge and a slightly less tapered trailing edge (6:37). Trailing end of the rutter curves into the fuselage (6:57). The jet’s horizontal control surface is straight, no upwards slope (7:10). Review of the distinguishable features begins at (7:55). The jet has a bullet shaped nose (8:23). The air scoop that is underneath, directly below the cockpit, is an easily identifiable feature (8:48). The fuselage is narrow (9:42). The film ends (10:28).
The United States Army Signal Corps is a branch of the United States Army that creates and manages communications and information systems for the command and control of combined arms forces.
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This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit
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