Hadrian’s Wall - Vindolanda Walkthrough - using “Medieval Engineers“ software

Vindolanda Roman fort sat just behind Hadrian’s Wall, and was occupied from the late 1st century until well after the Roman Empire had faded away. It’s a remarkable place with a long and remarkable history. It’s also one of the best-excavated & best-understood Roman forts & towns anywhere. Using the Medieval Engineers software, and 85 years of archaeological reports, I have put together a reconstruction of the fort and town as it would have been about AD 235. Every building I placed in the town (and most in the fort itself) are known from actual archaeology. To see more -- and to download and walk through the world yourself -- please visit my Vindolanda page on the Steam website: Also visit to see what’s happening on-site now and follow the excavations. Music from Maciej Kulesza - “Nothing’s Left“ on And a big shout-out & thank-you to Steam users and Medieval Engineers modders Montmorency, Jugbot, and Yurand2000, whose terrain and block items really add to the realism of any build.
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