Скрябин Соната №5. Горовиц (продолжение). Horowitz plays Scriabin Sonata No. 5 Op. 53 (b)

Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915) Piano Sonata No. 5 Opus 53 (second part) Piano: Vladimir Horowitz Rec. 1976 ’’I call you to life, O mysterious forces! Drowned in the obscure depths Of the creative spirit, timid Shadows of life, to you I bring daring.’’ These are the words Scriabin took from his ’’Poème d’extase’’ to introduce this sonata! The sonata has been called ’’a glorious afterthought’’ to the ’’Poem of Ecstacy’’. The work strives for a similar orgiastic climax. The main expression in
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