The Real Python Developer Roadmap 💻🐍 | How to become a Python Developer in 2021

Follow this path to learn python, get hired and become a Python Developer in 2021! This guide outlines the entire Python landscape, the many python developer jobs and career options available and the topics you need to learn to get hired for the path you choose. 1:37 - Who is Andrei Neagoie?! 4:49 - Python 2 vs. Python 3 6:30 - IDE/Editor - where you’ll write your Python code 9:33 - Python Foundations 25:31 - Popular Python Libraries 29:38 - Computer Science Fundamentals 32:43 - CI/CD (Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery) 34:58 - Python Career Options & Opportunities 36:22 - Web Development 40:45 - Web Parsing/Scraping/Crawling 43:00 - Test Automation (Automation Engineer / Testing Engineer) 45:36 - Scripting (DevOps, System Admin, Business Analyst & more) 48:40 - Data Science & Analysis (Data Scientist / Data Analyst / Data Engineer) 54:20 - Machine Learning ========== Use my interactive python roadmap from the v
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