Bhastrika, “bellows“.
0:09 Theoretics
0:39 Execution technique
1:23 Pranayama practice
2:19 Effect
4:08 Contraindications
This pranayama is a rapid succession of intense inhalations and exhalations, which is its characteristic
feature. Just as a blacksmith quickly inflates his bellows, the inhalations and exhalations in this pranayama should be just as active and intense.
Execution technique
Take a comfortable position, close your mouth. Take quick breaths in and out. Constantly expand and contract your chest as you breathe, making a noisy sound. After dynamic breaths, inhale deeply and hold your breath for as long as possible. Then exhale slowly. This constitutes one cycle of bhastrika.
Start with 10 breaths, gradually increasing to 20 or 25 per cycle. The kumbhaka period should also increase gradually and carefully. Remember to take breaks between cycles. For beginners, three cycles at a time will be enough. After
long practice, you can go to the implementation of 20 cycles in the morning and 20 in the evening. Unlike kapalabhati, breathing in bhastrika is performed with the full volume of the lungs, and not with the help of the abdominal muscles. For bhastrika, the speed of inhalation and exhalation is approximately one second; in kapalabhati, breathing can be faster.
It is favorable to do bhastrika pranayama after asanas, nadi shodhana, before sitkari, shield and ujjayi pranayamas.
Pranayama helps to balance all the doshas in the body, removes processed air from the lungs, cures asthma, pleurisy and stomach problems, and cures all diseases of the throat. Bhastrika pranayama increases the gastric fire, eliminates phlegm, pulmonary tuberculosis and other diseases that are the result of an imbalance of the doshas. Grants clarity of mind, strengthens the nervous system. This is a very good practice for purifying the nadis, it promotes the passage of prana through the three granthis and activates the Kundalini energy. This
The practice is best practiced in the winter.
If fatigue occurs in the body while performing bhastrika pranayama, then you need to exhale through the right nostril, which will increase the fire of the body.
This pranayama is not recommended for people with high blood pressure, glaucoma, heart disease, brain tumors,suffering from dizziness, stomach or intestinal ulcers. The occurrence of dizziness during practice is a sign of its incorrect implementation.
#Bhastrika #bhastrikapranayama #hathayoga #yoga #nātha
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