Táko (Spanish: taco) is a dish of Mexican cuisine. It is a tortilla sandwich folded into a small envelope. Tacos are filled with a variety of fillings: fried minced meat, seafood, pieces of spicy chorizo sausage, onions, green salad, beans, and even cactus leaves. Seasonings include cheese, salsa, cilantro, guacamole, and hot chili sauces. Taco appeared even before the arrival of Europeans in Mexico. There is anthropological evidence that the indigenous people who lived in the Lake System area of the Valley of Mexico ate small fish tacos. The word “taco“ means “plug“ or “wad“. The etymological dictionary defines a taco as a “tortilla filled with spicy meat“ and describes it as a “light lunch“. There are several theories about the origin of the dish. One of them says that the taco owes its appearance to the women of central Mexico. They wrapped various fillings in tortillas and brought these dishes to their husbands who worked in the fields. As for
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