Jerusalem U.S. Embassy Opening Ceremony

The United States officially moved its Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on Monday, even as 37 Palestinians were killed and hundreds wounded in clashes with Israeli forces along the Gaza Strip’s border with the Jewish state. Less than 100 kilometers away from the violent protests, U.S. and Israeli officials gathered in Jerusalem as the embassy was opened. U.S. President Donald Trump defied the sentiment of many governments around the world last December and upended long-standing U.S. policy to move the embassy away from Tel Aviv, where most nations still have embassies in Israel. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a White House adviser and part of the U.S. delegation at the ceremony, said, “While presidents before him have backed down from their pledge to move the American Embassy once in office, this president delivered. Because when President Trump makes a promise, he keeps it.“
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