【Maika】 The Things I Deserve【Original Song】

Original upload date: June 21, 2016 i do apologize for having comments disabled, it’s mostly that i kinda really regret writing a song about this topic in this graphic of a nature? or like, this particular light. i dunno it’s hard to describe. this song was, to be completely honest, about a real event in my life and i don’t think it was a good idea at all to immortalize it on the internet. i would have left it out when reuploading videos, but i knew that sing it’s one of my more popular songs that not putting it back would upset a lot of people? so because i check the comments tab regularly, disabling comments is more for me to forget i uploaded this LOL. i do 100% appreciate all the nice things people have said about this song of course!! thank you all for the support, even just all-around and not specifically on this song! i just wanted to clarify all that; disabling comments wasn’t at all meant as a form of shutting out anyones opinions or praises. i hope you guys can
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