Orchestra GOLD 🔅 | Gende {{Music Vid}}

. “Gende,” talks about the importance of family. This song uses poetic imagery to draw analogies about how important our familiar relationships are. We need to treasure them, and not exhaust them. . For example, the first image compares the father to wheat. Absent-minded interaction deteriorates the relationship just as overworking wheat turns the grain to dust. This is not to be taken literally, but to encourage people to be mindful of their relationship with their parents. . The second image compares siblings to soap. When you scrub soap too hard, taking more than you need, the bar disappears unnecessarily. If you take more than you give to your siblings, you could be left without an intimate, treasured relationship. . The third image compares children to mirrors. This analogy may be different from how we think about “mirrors” in the west. It implies that If you judge or critique your children too harshly, you will end up damaging your relationship. This will distance them from you, an
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