Chen style Tai Chi Vitality Exercises

For several hundred years, Chen style Tai Chi has been deeply respected for its health-giving benefits. The Internal Exercises (Chi Kung) passed down through Chen’s generations have been carefully refined. These are essential practices for the improvement of one’s Chen Tai Chi skills. They include Reeling Silk practices and Qing Yao 18 Forms. These patterns are relatively simple and considered effective on chronic diseases such as neurasthenic, high blood pressure, heart disease, dyspepsia and arthritis. Master Zhenglei Chen is the 19th generation inheritor of Chen Style Taiji Quan. He was born in 1950 in Chenjiaqou Village, Henan Province, China. He was selected to be one of the 10 foremost wushu master in China. He is now the coach for Henan Wushu Gymnasium and the schoolmaster of Chenjigou Taiji Quan School. Support channel on Paypal: #chinesemartialarts #chentaichi #wushu
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