Harry Potter but Everyone is a Bodybuilder

Check out Trump, Biden and Obama review all the Harry Potter movies: Welcome to the Hogwarts Gym of Weights and Magic. In this parallel universe you can meet all your familiar characters from Harry Potter with the small difference that everyone’s a bodybuilder. All images created by me using Midjourney. 00:00 - Intro 00:10 - Sorting Hat 00:21 - School houses 00:26 - Albus Dumbellmore 00:33 - Harry Spotter 00:41 - Ron Weightsly 00:54 - Hermione Grinder 01:05 - Rubeus Hagrid 01:13 - Deltoid Malfoy 01:21 - Latissimus Malfoy 01:27 - Lord Voldegainz 01:35 - Nagini 01:37 - The Durslifts 01:45 - Sirius Weightlifter 01:49 - Dobby the Powerlifting Elf 01:53 - Neville Flexbottom 01:58 - Remus Liftin 02:00 - Flex and Gainz Weightsly 02:04 - Gymmy Weightsly 02:08 - Bellatrix Bestrange 02:12 - Severus Shape 02:15 - Dolores Umbridge
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