Maids of the Borderland. Hurdy Gurdy multitrack. Medieval dance melody.

This new tune is for my wonderful nephew Pete Shepherd (and hurdy gurdy player) and his brave friends who are currently on a humanitarian mission to transport refugees out of west Ukraine. I hope they have many successful trips and come home safe. Recording notes..... No Loopers (I don’t own one) or backing tracks (no headphones) or playing along with someone out of ’m filming and recording (on an iphone and also onto garageband) myself playing hurdy gurdy live as you can see it here then afterwards I add (to this live take) extra gurdy chords, (shaky and smooth), extra lead gurdy, cello, percussion, organ and melodica, then in post production I finally sync the live audio/video (the bit you can see) and the enhanced audio track (the bit I do afterwards) in imovie. You’ll need a clapper board (hand clap) to sync it like in the movies. This hg has a double keyboard to play chords live too. here’s the bandcamp
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