1 Watt Resonance Kit Demo at last Renaissance meeting

[Some people, that I just ban from my comments, are complaining that they want this and that instead of what I showed here. They don’t get it. I’m not handing out free lunches here. I am giving you something to think about. Because I care a million times more if you can learn to think than whether you have free energy!!! They wouldn’t complain if they stopped and thought about what I shared here. I wrote in the description below that what I am showing here is the a very important point about the magnetic flux. Once you get that point then you can create all the energy you want once you stop assuming like most people do about it. Remember, I was just showing what Don Smith first showed himself in his first model with the 4 coils. What did Don say all along? If that’s too hard to think about then it’s time to move on to something else.] This was another demonstration of the Resonance Induction Coupler Kit at our latest meeting in Elkhart Indiana. The primary coil from the last meeting fell apart so I rewound it
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