Roman Messer - Suanda Music 389 [#SUANDA]
10 Years Of Suanda Music:
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Dream Trance:
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[00:00] 00. Intro
[01:10] 01. Aurosonic & Majai - Toll Says No More [Aurosonic Music]
[05:39] 02. Skyvol - Easteria [Easteria]
[10:56] 03. FEEL - Hallelujah [Suanda]
[14:50] 04. Raul Alex I. & Alexandra Badoi - Incomplete (Ruslan Radriges Remix) [2Rock]
[Track Of The Week]
[19:28] 05. Aimoon - Serenity [Suanda]
[23:56] 06. OV3RSUN - Dreams & Reality [INVIRONMENT]
[27:33]07. Twin View - Vega [Suanda True]
[31:43] 08. Kevin Shiah & Alexandra Badoi - Living In Fast Forward (Eximinds Remix) [Interplay]
[35:12] 09. Carl Daylim - A New Era [Synchronized Melodies]
[40:18] 10. Aurosonic & Sharon Valerona - Horizon (Dmitry Chelnokov Remix) [Aurosonic Music]
[45:34] 11. Grande Piano & DreamLife - Shine Of Rays [Abora]
[50:19] 12. Roman Messer & Somnia - The Edge [Suanda]
[53:51] 13. Roman Messer & Airwalk3r - I Turn to You [Future Sequence]