Following Yeshua is not always easy. Whenever we face difficulties, we too cry out like Simon Peter, “To whom shall we go? You alone have the words of eternal life!”
Even now, as there is war in Israel with no path to peace in sight, we’re confident - Messiah YESHUA IS THE ONLY SOLUTION, the only true answer - our source of life.
And His life is the light that shines in darkness & cannot be overcome!
This Hebrew worship video shows that, though we live in a dark world, Elohim gave us His light. And God also gave us one another, to walk together as we follow Adonai.
Though many stumble &a; fall away, when our eyes are fixed on Him, we will endure.
For the joy set before Him, our Lord has endured the cross! Let’s follow Him!
Help continue putting out these videos and more, support our ministry in Israel.
Violin & Oud: @SakhniniBrothers Yazid Sakhnini
Vocals: Shilo Ben Hod, Rebekah & Levi Davis
Filmed in the Judean Desert by Alex who edited the video as well.
Post-editing by Levi Davis.
Mix and Master: David Jakoubovitch
Special Thanks to all the translators who gave their time and skill freely to make the subtitles!
עברית -
English -
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