Curiosity Rover’s Most Challenging Climb Yet (Mars Report - August 2023)

NASA’s Curiosity rover recently made its most challenging climb on Mars. Curiosity faced a steep, slippery slope on its journey up Mount Sharp, so rover drivers had to come up with a creative detour. After the detour, Curiosity stopped by a new area with intriguing impact craters to explore. This edition of the Mars Report, set in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Mars Yard and the Curiosity rover operations area, features rover driver Dane Schoelen explaining how the team found another route with less hazardous terrain. Curiosity will celebrate its 11th anniversary on Mars on Aug. 5. For more information on Curiosity’s tough climb, visit For more information on NASA’s Mars missions, visit . Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/USGS-Flagstaff/University of Arizona
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