The Swarm is Coming (2021) Walkthrough + Review, ZX Spectrum

Since the colonisation of Proxima B in 2112, Humans have been mining Proxima Moon Alpha for the element Proximium. Scientists have discovered that Proximium has a unique characteristic, being able to distort the space/time continuum. Proximium has now been incorporated into the first successful experiments with teleportation, enabling small, non-living, items to be transported across space time in seconds. Scientists working at the Moon Base are working hard to improve the capabilities of the first ‘Materializer-ZX’ (Mat-ZX) aiming to get it to a point where humans can be teleported, which they hope will help to rapidly accelerate the colonisation of Proxima B and further human expansion across the galaxy. You are Bremner, an engineer working at the Moon Base, generally fixing things that the scientists break or lose. One morning you are outside the Moon Base with your senior colleague Mortimer, inspecting some strange mineral deposits that have recently appeared on the surface. You
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