[ONE TAKE] TXT (투모로우바이투게더) ’Chasing That Feeling’ | DANCE COVER

#ONETAKE #KPOP #DANCECOVER #tomorrow_x_together Music: TXT (투모로우바이투게더) ’Chasing That Feeling’ Dancers: #Taehyun - Taeyeon ( IG: @taniellecher) #Yeonjun - Kira ( IG: @sunki_kira) #HueningKai - Yana ( IG: @midllsss) #Soobin - Clara ( IG: @dashajung) #Beomgyu - Marina ( IG: @murlous) Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of Tomorrow x Together! I hope you enjoy our cover as much as we enjoyed the dance. We are not a team, we are just people who were inspired by the comeback of a wonderful band. All music belongs to TXT and BigHit Entartainment. #TXT #BigHit #투모로우바이투게더 #ChasingThatFeeling #D...ANCECOVER #KPOP
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