’We are fighting a proxy war with Russia. I want to hear all sides of the equation.’
Candace Owens and Nigel Farage discuss how the legacy media’s ’political commentariat’ have reacted to Tucker Carlson going to Russia to interview Vladimir Putin.
#tuckercarlson #tucker #candaceowens #nigelfarage #interview #russia #putin #vladimirputin #mainstreammedia
Candace Owens: ’Bought & Paid For’ Media Freak Out & NSA SPY on Tucker Carlson Over Putin Interview
Tucker Carlson Interviewing Putin Sends ’Bought & Paid For’ Media into PANIC Mode | Candace Owens
Candace Owens: ’Bought and Pa
...id’ For Media in PANIC mode over Tucker Carlson interview with Putintin
Candace Owens: Bought & Paid For Media in PANIC mode over Tucker Carlson interview with Putin
Candace Owens: Media in PANIC mode over Tucker Carlson interview with Vladimir Putin
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